Hurrah! At last, it emerges there is a benefit to being single – joke’s on you, smug marrieds. Psychologists say those who are single experience more personal growth.
Well, that’s good then. I definitely am glad I have freed up all that time I would have wasted hunting for a partner. I’m far too busy hunting for a flat within the M25 that I can afford on my solo salary. Ha, in your face, two-income families! Who needs a mortgage when you have personal growth?
Still, it’s refreshing to have a “good news” story about being single. A change from the head-tilting headlines about the “Bridget Jones generation” who, sadly, cannot seem to find themselves a fella, poor loves. A break from the hand-wringing about the egg-freezing career women who may never get to be mummies, at least in the way God intended.
Because, really, being single is pretty great.
Here’s why:
1. You get to go on holiday wherever you want. My mum spent every summer going to exotic locations such as Snowdonia and, erm, East Grinstead, because of their proximity to some sort of railway. When you’re single, you can go wherever you want. Sure, you may have to pay more, but at least you’ll be somewhere nice. Your bed is your sanctuary. Of course, there’s also no spooning. Or, er, anything else
2. You’ll be slimmer. A study last year suggested that people who are single or live alone tend to weigh 3.5lb less than those in relationships. Makes sense, doesn’t it – instead of coming home of an evening to a freshly cooked meal on the table, you’re coming home to (if you’re lucky) a wilting salad in the fridge. However, it works both ways – there’s no one there to judge when you skip dinner and scoff a family pack of crisps.
3. You have more free time. Here’s where that personal growth kicks in – you have more time to dedicate to hobbies instead of shivering on the sidelines of sports matches or watching yet another war documentary. You can try life drawing, crochet, trampolining, you name it. Or, you know, watch Netflix for five hours while eating those aforementioned crisps.
4. You get to sleep alone. Imagine all those muggy summer nights where you can sprawl like a starfish under cool cotton sheets, without a living furnace snoring beside you. No dealing with a partner’s night terrors, no duvet hogging, no wondering who “Candace” is in the latest sleep-talking monologue. No biscuit crumbs, unless they’re of your own making. Your bed is your sanctuary. Of course, there’s also no spooning. Or, er, anything else.
5. You have more direction in your life. Unless you’re me, and have no sense of direction in the first place. If you’re me, you’ll just spend your whole time turning in circles like a dog chasing its tail while your smartphone map struggles to figure out what you’re doing. But at least you won’t be yelled at by a frustrated partner while you’re doing it. See also: in-car navigating.
6. You get to focus on your career. If you’re in a relationship, weddings, babies, home improvements, etc, can be all-consuming. When single, you can concentrate on work – think outside the box, go the extra mile. You can also stay late finishing off that report while Gladys dashes off to do the school run. Yippee! You have more time to dedicate to friendships. Except Andrea can’t get a babysitter
7. You have a better sense of self. Which is handy when you’re in on a Saturday night tackling the bathroom grouting, alone.
8. You’re more likely to go to the gym. Which is great, apart from the fact that you rarely get to show off your toned glory. But, hey, at least it’s somewhere to spend Friday nights.
9. You avoid arguments. No quibbling over who overspent on the joint account. No rowing over whose turn it is to take the bins out. Downside: you always have to take the bins out.
10. You have more time to dedicate to friendships. Heart-to-hearts over a glass of wine, long chats on the phone, weekends away. Except Andrea can’t get a babysitter. And John can’t talk right now because he’s driving Kayleigh to ballet. And Alison’s on summer camp supervision duty that weekend. Oh well, even more time to focus on that personal growth, I suppose.
Source: Siobhan Norton
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